Interactive Immersive Experiences
I moonlight as an installation artist. I build and design spaces that live between Technology, Art & Design.
Monos Lithos
Designed with HTC Vive, Unreal Engine, Audacity, Processing, Arduino, and good old fashioned graphic design & wood-shop.
An immersive installation that explores the boundaries between alone-ness and loneliness, isolation within immersion.
I pose the question: What is an experience? What makes them memorable?
Motion Dance Party
Built with a webcam, TSPS, & Processing
I transformed the performance space at Maison des arts de Créteil, Paris, France into a motion dance party. Depending on people’s movement, time spent, and amount of people, the program asynchronously remixed beats and chords replicating electronica. Because of the multiple variables, the music is never the same and never repeated.
I pose the question: What are the trade-offs to surveil society? Do we even care?
Forgotten Spaces,
Hidden Places
Built with VPT Projection Mapping & Processing.
Transforming the gutters and alleyways in Ricardo Bofill's Postmodern Noisy-le-Grand into Utopia where architecture lines break down and technological art fills forgotten spaces and hidden places.
I explore the spaces between Utopia/Dystopia.